www.romamedica.com - Letters Of Thanks



On Call Health Care in Rome

Letters Of Thanks



Thank you for sending your very nice doctor to see my son, J.A., this morning. Dott. Angelo Primavera was the doctor.
Again, thank you so much for your help today.

S.A. - U.S.A. – June 2024


Ciao Dr. Spina!
I wanted to thank you for coming to the Hilton hotel on October 22 to look at my arm and help make me comfortable to fly home. I took the heparin as you prescribed and my trip home was safe and as comfortable as possible. I went to Urgent care as soon as I was at home. They did an X-ray and I do have a small non-displaced fracture of the proximal humerus. I just had a follow up X-ray today and it is healing nicely. I feel very fortunate that my injuries were not worse after such a bad fall. Thank you again for coming to see me, my family and I felt much more comfortable with me traveling after your care. You were so kind and caring and I appreciate that very much.
Many thanks

C.M. - U.S.A. – November 2022


I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Spina for the fast and good attention to my husband who suffered from renal colic during our vacations in Rome, and he went to our Hotel to treat him. Thank you for your kindness and speed and good diagnosis. Our gratitude and appreciation for what he did. Without hesitation I would recommend him, if you have any problem in Rome, go to him.
Thanks a lot!

A.R.P. - Barcelona (Spain)– June 2022


Ciao. You saw my daughter at Crown Plaza hotel in Rome on June 17, 2022. She had a very bad bite on her ankle and it was swollen, discolored, and painful. You were so very kind to us and I wanted to thank you again for your care. As her mother, I was worried about how to get her medical care overseas and you made me feel reassured. You saved our vacation! Thank you again so very much.

D.A. - U.S.A. – June 2022


I’m very grateful for finding Dr Spina and highly recommend him. I paid for one appointment & a prescription, but I got much much more than that in return. He went above and beyond what anyone other doctor would have done in this scenario. The prescription I require is for a very controlled drug and if I don’t take it for a day I feel the negative effects immediately. After we realized my prescription was much harder to fill than anticipated he could have easily said “I’ve done my part, you have the prescription you require”. Instead he spent many days afterwards calling around and researching all possible alternatives to avoid me having to go through those negative effects. And bc of his extra effort we were able to find a pharmacy who would fill the prescription as required. THANK YOU Dr Spina.

A.J. - Canada - February 2022


Prof. Stefano,
Vorrei ringraziarvi per la vostra consulenza e il supporto professionale che ho avuto prima di iniziare il mio lungo viaggio di ritorno a Melbourne.
Dopo una caduta inaspettata, non sono stata in grado di appoggiarmi alla gamba sinistra. Mi avete fatto visita all'Hilton Garden Inn a Roma, e mi avete fornito le medicine necessarie per affrontare il lungo viaggio. Al mio arrivo sono andata direttamente in ospedale. Una radiografia rivelò una frattura sull'anca sinistra. Dopo tre settimane dall'intervento chirurgo, sono in grado di camminare senza stampelle.
Di nuovo vorrei ringraziarvi

E.V. - Melbourne (Australia) - September 2019


Hi, I just wanted to say thankyou for your help. We were very satisfied with your services. We never had to give our baby the antibiotics

F.A. - Australia - September 2019


Hello Dr. Spina.
My wife was admitted by you to Casa Di Cura “Pio XI” on May 26, 2019. Her condition was very bad. We were supposed to fly back to Canada that same day but her condition would not allow us to do so. Her stay at this wonderful hospital was amazing! It felt like it was destiny that you were the doctor who came to visit us at our hotel a few days before all this happened. The people were all so kind, comforting and professional. Each person knew their job and excelled at it. The doctors (including yourself) were so approachable and knowledgeable and we felt safer in their hands than we would be back in Canada! The nurses and caretakers were unbelievable. We are not used to this back home. I want to single out Pina and Roberta who were always so happy and made us feel so welcome. There were so many people we wanted to thank but could not keep track of everyone’s names. We did not speak a lot of Italian but with everyone’s help, we got by and we understood each other. We are currently back in Canada and my wife is feeling a lot better due to your care.
Thanks once again

J.&A.S. - Canada - June 2019


Gent.mo dott. Spina,
ancora grazie per la sua disponibilità, la sua gentilezza e la sua professionalità. Grazie soprattutto per avermi rassicurato; da qualche giorno non avverto nemmeno più quei fastidi addominali. Nel ringraziarla ancora, mi scuso per averla disturbata e mi complimento con lei per quello che fa ogni giorno con i suoi pazienti.
Con stima

A.L. - Italy - June 2019


Hi Dr. Spina. Thank you so much for your help with my wife last night! She is feeling better.

J.S. - Canada - May 2019


Dear Professor Spina,
Thank you once again for all your great care during my husband's illness. We fly home late Wed night and return home to NZ on Friday.
Thanks once again

B.&T.H. - New Zealand - May 2019


We arrived home safely about 1 hour ago. Thank you for saving my life!

Y.E.T. - California (USA) - April 2019


Dear Dr. Spina
I’ve arrived home safely and smoothly yesterday. I also visited my parents immediately since I intentionally not let them know what happened to me these days until I was standing in front of them so they won’t be worried that much. It’s great to sleep on my own bed with no pain neither hypodermic needle on my wrist.
Thanks God and you, I’ve recovered quickly from a serious situation. I could have been still laying in the hospital, or even worse, without your kind and professional treatment. I told my wife and daughters that I met an excellent doctor, who’s probably an angel sent by God to bring me home.
As I said, I will try to organize another trip to Rome and look forward to seeing you and again, in a restaurant but not the hospital. Many thanks again for you and all those who helped me in the hospital. Hope to see you soon.
Best Regards

Y.C.J. - Taipei (Taiwan) - March 2019


Hello Prof. Spina,
Feeling better today. Stomach is a little uncomfortable and blotted but the sharp pain is much less. If things get worse I will be sure to call you. Once again, thanks for the very quick and proficient appointment.

D.E. - United Kingdom - March 2019


Thank you so much Dr. Spina. My Dr. in San Diego said you gave me the right medicine. Thank you so much

Y.I. – California (USA) - March 2019


Dear Dr. Spina.
Thank you so much for diagnosing us at Rome Marriott Park Hotel in Rome on the night of January 26/2019 at 9pm. I would like to thank you very much and we ate cured now because of your care and medicine you gave us. With our gratitude and appreciation to what you had done. Thanks a million Dr. Spina Best regards

Y.&S.I. – California (USA) - March 2019


Good morning
Just to let you know that the Eppley maneuver has been the cure for my vertigo after two months. Now back to driving. I do want you to know that our whole family still talks about how very fortunate we were to have had your expert advice and friendship for the week that I was hospitalized in Rome. Many thanks!

K.M. – Rhode Island (USA) - August 2018


Buongiorno Dr. Spina,
Once again, many thanks for taking care of me during the tough times I have been through. I am now safely in Kuwait.
Kind Regards,

Y.A. – Kuwait - August 2018


Buona Sera Prof Spina,
Thank you for reviewing my wife’s medical situation. Your review dispelled her anxiety gave her comfort.
With best wishes,

T.A. – Singapore - July 2018


Buon Sera Dr. Spina,
As my wife may have told you, she continues to make progress each day and we are extremely grateful for all your assistance and guidance during her recovery. You helped us immeasurably in understanding her injury and recovery process. Your expediting her transfer from a public hospital to a private hospital may well have saved her from permanent injury.
Please accept our very best wishes, Ciao,

P.M. – Rhode Island (USA) - July 2018


Good Morning
Saw Dr Das yesterday. He is the neurosurgeon who did my neck and back surgery plus he followed me after the traumatic brain injury two years ago. He believes that I am doing well. As long as I continue to improve there is no need to return to him. He was not surprised that I continue to have some vertigo, dizziness and unsteadiness. He said that just because the CT and MRI were okay that I still had caused injury to the brain. He left it up to my discretion as to when I begin to drive again. He also suggested that I slowly decrease the Microser. I will continue to rest and have cancelled social engagements for a few weeks. I tend to fade in the late afternoon.
Thank you very much for your caring and attentive service. You were brightened my stay at Casa di Cura Pio XI and indeed in Rome.
Warm regards,

K.M. – Rhode Island (USA) - July 2018


Dr. Spina
I just wanted to say thank you again for all you did for my mom (dad too). They wouldn’t have made it through this without you! Mom is looking and feeling better. I drove up Friday for the night. She’s getting around better but slowly and the dizziness is slowly subsiding.
Thank you so much for being there and getting them through this trauma. We will forever be indebted to you.

D.M. – Rhode Island (USA) - July 2018


Dr Spina,
I want to thank you so very much for all of your wonderful care and the kindness you have shown to my parents. Thank you for getting mom into the right hospital and providing her exceptional care. Seeing that she was in such good hands enabled my son and I to continue on our vacation.
Thank you again,

D.C. – Rhode Island (USA) - June 2018


Professor Spina,
Greetings from the USA. I was the travel Nurse who brought your patient back to Philadelphia from Rome. I just wanted to let you know our travel went very well. He continue to have a loose cough while in flight, but no other problems.
I know your patient and his daughter are very grateful for your interaction and professional services. You SAVED this man's life! I was very impressed myself meeting you and spending time with you. I hope when I return to Rome in October we have the opportunity to meet again.
I have your business card and will certainly call you when I am there. If there’s anything I can do for you, please feel free to contact me. Again, thank you for your service and professional medical care.

R.M. – Wisconsin (USA) - April 2018


Egr dott De Bono, buondì, sono il paziente dell'hotel Giulio Cesare. Grazie per avermi nella Sua visita tranquillizzato, e tutto sta procedendo come da Lei diagnosticato, ovvero il versamento e l'ematoma (torace sx) si è accentuato ma il dolore diminuisce di frequenza e di intensità, specie di giorno, mentre la notte non riesco a dormire. PS mi sono complimentato con la ricezione per la scelta del medico, per un hotel è molto più importante di quanto si creda.

S.V. – Italy - February 2018


Dear Prof Spina
Greetings from Ghana. Let me first apologise for the delay in sending you this email. We had a smooth flight back home. I was feeling very sick for some time from the side effects of the antibiotics and it took some time to clear with the help of Nexium (esomeprazole). I have seen my doctor with your report which he studied carefully. I have done more lab tests and am fine. My blood sugar is normal now. I will continue with my regular doctor visits.
I thank you very much for coming over to the hotel to see me, admitting me in hospital and for your treatment and care at the hospital facility. May God bless you. Greetings from my wife
best regards

J.B. – Ghana - December 2017


Dear Dr. Spina,
I want to thank you again for your kind assistance. I had an appointment yesterday with your friend, Dr. Marco Spoliti and seeing him was very useful. I can now understand what is happening to me and what has to be done. Unfortunately I was wrong diagnosed in Paris. Next step is to see if insurance covers what has to be done here or to move to France. Just wanted to say THANK YOU from me and from my cousin with whom I spoke yesterday.
With kind regards,

K.V. – Paris (France) - June 2017


Cher Docteur
Nous vous remercions pour votre aide, le samedi 1er octobre à l'hôtel Hilton Garden Fiumicino. Vous avez fait une piqûre à mon compagnon, qui avait mal au dos et ne pouvait plus marcher sans grandes douleurs. Il a pu dormir et prendre l'avion le lendemain pour rentrer en Suisse. Le dimanche, les douleurs étaient revenues, mais à la maison tout est plus simple et notre médecin nous a, lui aussi, aidé.
Merci encore! Un bon week-end.
Courtoises salutations

A.P. – Switzerland - October 2016


Dr. Spina
Our trip back was fairly good. My wife continue to improve, next week our Doctor will re-exam and see the progress.
We want to thank you and all your staff, we were very impressed with the quality of care, service, cleanliness of the hospital, and above all the personal attention given by every staff members it's a reflection of management. Congratulations, well done
Cari Saluti

S.P. – Toronto (Canada) - July 2016


Hi doctor,
We are happy to inform you that we did took the flight on Wednesday and visited in hospital in Israel. We are more calm and relax to be home safe. We wanted to thank you personally for your treatment and kindness. We definitely felt that we are in good hands. Have a great weekend !!!

E.A. – Israel - April 2016


Carissimo dott. Spina la dott. dell'ematologia oncologica mi ha certificato che sono in remissione completa della malattia. Non c'è più bisogno che vada da lei. Sono felicissima. La ringrazio tantissimo. Sono dispiaciuta di non essermi fatta operare da Lei anche al seno!! Perché Lei ha fatto un miracolo. Le sono tanto riconoscente.

L.B. – Roma (Italy) - November 2015


Dottore la ringrazio di cuore per la disponibilità e professionalità dimostrate.

S.P. – Roma (Italy) - October 2015


Thanks for checking in, Dr. Spina.
I arrived last night in the U.S. and am feeling well. Although time did not allow me to fill my prescription at the airport in Rome yesterday, I've just presented your excellent abbreviated medical report to a local physician, and - in full agreement with you - he has rewritten the prescription for my American pharmacy. I'll be able to start both medications this morning. Have a terrific summer!

S.B. – California (USA) - August 2015


Dear Professor Spina, Thank you for all your help. She got back safely, I managed to inject her without killing her and she is getting much better. With very best wishes,

S.H.C. – United Kingdom - July 2015


Dr. Spina:
Thank you so very much for the extremely thorough medical care you provided. Your skill and professionalism were greatly appreciated, and the extra touch of personally transporting me to the hospital will not be forgotten. Should you find yourself in the San Francisco Bay Area in the future, please don't hesitate to contact me.

S.B. – California (USA) - July 2015


Dear Dr Spina
Thank you so much for all your help with my sister in law. I managed to fly over yesterday, collect her and she has visited her doctor this morning

L.S. – United Kingdom - July 2015


Dear Stefano,
my husband and I would like to thank you for your support and wonderful care during my illness. We both feel we were so lucky that you were on call on 31st. May, that you came so promptly to the hotel and then organised my admission to hospital so quickly. Your daily consultations with my husband, my son and myself were most appreciated.
Our flight home was without incident and my son was waiting at the airport in Melbourne.
I have seen my doctor twice since arriving home for further blood tests and an x-ray. He was very happy with the results as he was with the treatment I received in Rome. I am feeling well, legs a little weak but almost back to normal.
Kind regards

E.B. – Melbourne (Australia) - June 2015


Hi Stefano,
Home in Melbourne. Flight from Dubai to Melbourne all went smoothly. Mum travelled very well. Mum in good condition at home in Melbourne enjoying a cup of day. Can’t thank you enough for your efforts and care your provided my parents. It is much appreciated.

S.B. – Melbourne (Australia) - June 2015


Dear Dr Spina,
I wanted to thank you for your help with my grandmother the other day. Especially thank you for organising the ultrasound and xray. It was very easy for us at the clinic and it would have been so hard if we went to a hospital. It made a huge difference so thank you so much. She does have a fractured rib unfortunately but not compacted and everything else ok so she has been resting and we will see doctor again in Scotland in one week.
Thank you again and both me and my grandmother are very grateful for your help.

B.Y. – Scotland (UK) - June 2014


Dear prof. Stefano Spina,
Thanks a lot for your concerning.
We are now at home in Israel so we are more relaxed. My wife now continue to take the Amoxicillina until Saturday and her fever is still on normal level +- 37,0. On Sunday we will see our doctor and continue with the treatment. Thank you very much and I will be happy to post our case and about your help and concerning in the Israeli forum for travelers and business trips, so people can call you in case they need a reliable doctor in Italy and rent your services.
Thanks and Best Regards

E.Z. – Israel - May 2014


Dear Dr. Spina.
At first I wanna say thank you for you're friendly help last thursday. I hope you can remember me, you visit me in the evening in the Hotel Romance in Rome because I had so high fever. The medicine helps quite well. So I decided to get back to Vienna on Friday by Plane. Everything worked well and at this moment I have no pain anymore.

N.H. – Vienna (Austria) - September 2013


Gentile Dott.Spina
Lei è stato estremamente gentile e disponibile con me, non solo per quanto concerne l'aspetto medico. Mi permetta di ringraziarLa e di dirLe che aver avuto possibilità di rivolgermi a Lei e di apprezzarne le Sue qualità professionali e umani mi lascia estremamente soddisfatto. Ancora grazie.
Cordiali saluti

S.T. – Roma (Italy) - September 2013


Dear Dr. Spina,
You might be aware that my mother and your patient arrived safely back in the United States. She and dad are happy to be back in their apartment, and while there are still some medical appointments and perhaps some additional tests for her, right now she is feeling much better!
Thank you very much for taking such excellent care of my mom and for your concern for my dad, too. I've told many people how very pleased we all were with the medical care my mother received in Italy, both from you and the very fine nursing staff. Your team at Pio XI brought her back from death, and for that, our entire family and mom's friends are forever grateful.
You have our deep respect and thanks. If you or any of the nurses are ever traveling in the New York or Philadelphia area, I would be pleased to have you as my family's guest. Please share my appreciation with your entire medical team.
Best regards,

S.N. – Pennsylvania (USA) - May 2013


Dear Dr. Spina, We arrived at home about 8:00 pm USA time. The medical escort was wonderful. We appreciate the care you gave. Also the wonderful staff at Casa di Cura Pio XI.

J.S. – Virginia (USA) - May 2013


Dr. Spina:
I had an appointment with my doctor Tuesday morning and he was very pleased, both with the obvious good results of the surgery (all the wounds had closed cleanly and completely), and for the summary report you provided in English. That report was very helpful to him.
From a personal perspective, my wife and I wanted to thank you again, not only for your outstanding medical and surgical expertise that resulted in us being able to fly “home” just 6 days after stomach surgery, but also for your assistance in answering all our questions, and guiding us through the often confusing medical issues made even more difficult due to language differences. I was most fortunate – and pleased – that you were my doctor!
Please thank the entire 2nd floor and ICU medical staff. They were terrific!

G.M. – California (USA) - May 2013


Dr. Stefano
Good evening, from Argentina we want to thank you for your kindly attention to our son. He was fine soon after your visit. Thank you very much. !!!!!!

R.S.&S.P. – Argentina - January 2013


Dear Mr. Spina, Greetings and Best Wishes for Christmas and New Year 2013 from J. and R.P.. We are so grateful for your care in Rome in August. I am feeling a lot better now, but I suppose that we don’t shake off injuries so easily when we get older!

J.P. – United Kingdom - December 2012


Thank you SO very much for your support and attention... it has been invaluable + a great comfort to us all. I really can't thank you enough for your initial care and then for your ongoing support which helped an horrific situation to be bearable. Very many thanks once again. Arrivederci.

V.P. – United Kingdom - August 2012


To Doctor Stefano Spina. I would like to thank you for help with me on Sunday 1st July 2012 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in St Peter’s Square. I was able to travel home to Sydney in comfort. And I have had no problems since. Regards.

E.H. – Australia - July 2012


Our family cannot thank you enough for your care of our Mom. The professionalism and medical attention was outstanding. Again thank you sincerely.

C.S. – Oklahoma (USA) – May 2012


Dear Dr. Spina! I would very much like to thank you for your help when I was sick back in Rome last friday! I really appreciate the way you treated me. It is not the dreamsituation to get ill when you are not at home - but thanks to you my weekend in Rome was not as bad as it could be. I really hope to get back to Rome one day because there is so much more I want to see of this beautiful city of yours! And I still have some good italian wine and food to experience, I missed it all... :-) Again: Thank you so much for your help!

L.E. – Norway – October 2011


Dear Dr. Spina, Thank you for your wonderful care in Rome. I will never forget this amazing experience and am telling the world about both you and the Casa di Cura Pio XI. I feel you were an angel sent to me in my distress. Gratefully.

L.M. – Connecticut (USA) – September 2011


Dear Dr. Spina, We got home after long day. My wife is getting better. Thanks again for all your help and understanding. Your hospital and staff were wonderful.

B.R. – Illinois (USA) – June 2011


Dear Dr. Spina,
This past October you provided medical care for our daughter during her travels to Rome. (We spoke very briefly on the phone during those two days.) She was ill, somewhat dehydrated and very anxious being all alone and so far from home. She tells me that you were very kind and caring and were able to help her be well enough to return to her study-abroad ho me stay in Sevilla.
She has just retuned to America, and brought me your information...., and so I wanted to thank you very much. As the “mom” I was very grateful you were there to help and provide her support, thank you!!! Best wishes to you for a very Happy New Year in 2011. And should you ever be on the west coast of America, my husband and I hope you will stop by.

A.K. – Oregon (USA) – January 2011


Hi Doctor. I hv arrived safely home, thanx to u 4 taking good care of me. I really appreciate what you've done.

L.B.I. – Malaysia – October 2010


Ciao Doctor Spina,
Thank you so much for the records, e grazie mille per tutto! I could not have gotten better without your help and care.

L.H. – California (USA) – October 2010


Thank you for your services. I know I was but a very minor case and that saving lives is what doctors find to be the most rewarding part of their jobs. In this case, a guy that perhaps works a bit too hard is back once again with is wife, children and three grandchildren - all of us very thankful for your service. You are a wonderful doctor and I wish you a long and very satisfying and fruitful career.

J.N. – Massachussets (USA) – September 2010


Dear Dr Spina

Thank you so much for helping my father on Monday 30th August at the Villa Grazioli Hotel, Frascati.

A.C. – United Kingdom – September 2010


Many, many thanks for your cares. From my wife and me please receive our kindest regards.

A.R. – Colombia – April 2010


Thank you. We arrived safely and saw his Dr. today who siad you did a very thorough job. I am sure he will follow up upon is return. Again , thank you.

R.C. – New York (USA) – April 2010


Dear Dr. Spina, I am very thankful for your coming to my much needed aid during those long 28 days that I spent at the Pio XI Hospital. Right from the first day I knew that everything that could have been done would be done for my condition under your direction. I appreciate having the best care from you and your colleagues and for all your many kindnesses. It brought my wife and I through many stressful days knowing you were there for us when we all kept encountering many obstacles. Although I am still under outpatient care I know that if not for you I would not have made it to this day. With my gratitude and regards.

P.V. – Florida (USA) – October 2009


Dear Dr.Stefano Spina MD

Thank you very much for your attendant the other day in July. Owing to you , I could come back to Japan and I stay with my family at this time. Once a week, I go to a hospital for my mind with my mother. I would like to say you thanks a lot and meet you again at Japan or Roma. Sincerely yours,

S.N. – Japan – September 2009


Thank you so much for coming so quickly. I wanted to enjoy the rest of my visit in Rome , but just was not feeling good. Praise to you and your service. I am hoping to feel better very very soon.

C.B. – New York (USA) – July 2009


To my favorite Doctor in all of Italy. My local doctor gave a clean bill of heath. I just have to build up my strength, He said I must have had good care in Rome. I could not agree more with him You're the best and the Clinic was terrific. It was the right place to be. Thanks again, your American patient .

T.N. – Florida (USA) – May 2009


All the people we have talked to since being home asked how was my care at the hospital in Rome. We told them we had nothing but the finest with 2 great Doctors. Again we appreciate your care and will always remember you. Please call if you ever get in the Orlando area.

T.N. – Florida (USA)– April 2009


Dear Dr. Spina
Thank you very much for your attention. Appreciate all that you have for my husband. We will update you on his condition once he meets with his doctor in US. Please thank everyone on our behalf. We appreciate all the care you have provided especially you. Farewell.

L.S. – California (USA)– October 2008


Dear Dr. Spina
I have to tell you that I completely credit you, the hospital and the wonderful nurses and staff at the hospital for not only saving my life, but taking wonderful care of me while I was there. You were all absolutely amazing. Please believe me when I tell you that your care and treatment was far superior to any I have received in an American hospital. Please thank the nurses and the cleaning and the kitchen staff for me (especially the chef whose food was truly amazing) and let them know how much I appreciate everything that was done for me.
Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking such a good care of me. Words are inadequate to express my gratitude to the extent I would like. I want to thank you again for everything. You're my hero

N.H. – Colorado (USA) – October 2008



M.A. – Australia – October 2008


Hi Dr. Spina,
I wanted to first thank you for your care when I was on holiday in Rome a few weeks back. As I'm sure you've heard before, being sick in a foreign country is quite scary, but having a knowledgeable and caring doctor such as yourself, made all the difference in the world.
The plane ride back to the US went smoothly and upon my return, I was able to get the care I needed quickly. I am back at work and doing well. I had another ultrasound, which came back fine. My GGT continues to be monitored, but it is decreasing and moving towards a normal range.
I hope to make it back to Italy some day, sooner than later if at all possible. Despite my unfortunate experience, Italy left a positive impression on me. The Italian people truly know how to live life to the fullest; something that Americans try to achieve on a daily basis, but seem to fall short of. So until we get it right, there's always our friends on the other side of the Atlantic.
Kindest Regards,

K.A. – Connecticut (USA) – October 2008


I just finished watching a TV program about heatwaves,Thousands died. in particular the one in Chicago in 1995 and the one in Paeis in 2005, and I now realize why I got so sick and ended up in the Rome hospital, because of the heat in Italy and Malta in august of 2007. Stefano, I thank you for saving my life.in Rome . I now realize why you insisted I go to the hospital. I.Thanks again Stefano.

L.K. - U.S.A. – October 2008


Dear Doctor Spina:
My name is J.M. and I live in the United States. You came to my hotel room at the Hilton Garden hotel at a time when I was in great distress, not only from pain but from fear of not being able to get home. Your patience in taking the time to listen and explain your procedure, your professional medical expertise, gave me a chance to return to my home to live again. Yes, I believe you saved my life.
You have my sincerest appreciation and good will. Saying, thanks, is so simple a compliment for all you did for me. So, thank you and god bless.

J.M. – U.S.A. – July 2008

ROMAMEDICA Medical Staff

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Stefano Spina Ph.D.
Surgery & Emergency Health Care
Specialista in Chirurgia
Medicina e Chirurgia d'Urgenza
Docente di Anatomia Umana
Universita' di Roma - Tor Vergata
Casa di Cura Pio XI
Via Aurelia, 559 - ROMA (Italy)
Tel.: +39 06 916507507
Cell: +39 334 6540931
Fax: +39 06 23318443

This website is dedicated to people who want to be informed on dr. Spina's Medical Activity. Information provided on this website is based on his professional experience and is meant to integrate and not to replace any advice or information given after a direct Medical Visit. Funding of www.stefanospina.com is a personal investment of dr. Spina. This website does not host any form of advertising and does not receive funding by advertising. Information sent by visitors (e-mail addresses or/and contact information, names, personal or medical data) is not recorded in any archive and/or data base. This website does not use cookies, and undertakes to honour the legal requirements in Italy for medical/health information privacy. The author of this website is Dr. Stefano Spina MD, and he is the only one in charge for the redaction of the site's contents. Please read the 8 principles of the HON Code of Conduct (HonCode): ITALIAN or ENGLISH . Last update 18/07/2024

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